Licence Maroc
Helps students find licenses with filtering by city and license type. Users can save posts for future reference.
YG Blog
A blog with Next.js features like sign in, create, manage posts, comment, edit profile, and share content.
Customize Your Count Down
Create and share customizable event countdowns with selected date and time.
Generate a quiz using AI
Generates personalized quizzes using AI based on user interests and knowledge.
Landing Page Smart Watch
A landing page showcasing smart watches, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Space tourism multi-page website
Challenge in
Challenge in
List APIs
A collection of free APIs for enhancing web projects.
Ads Tools Landing
An ad landing page with customizable HTML and CSS.
Estate WebSite
A real estate landing page showcasing property listings.
Todo App
A simple to-do app for task management with features like adding, editing, deleting, and marking tasks as done.
Tic Toe Game
A classic Tic-Tac-Toe game with an interactive platform.
Calculator app
A basic calculator with arithmetic operations and additional features.
تفاسير الايات
Provides interpretations of the Quran in various languages.
Quiz App
An interactive quiz app covering various topics.
A multi-page dashboard for managing data and information.
Form Validation
Client-side form validation ensuring data accuracy.
Ecommerce Page
A landing page showcasing ecommerce products.
REST Countries API
Fetch and display information about countries using the REST Countries API.
Shorten long URLs into concise, shareable links.
Generate Password
Generate secure passwords with customizable criteria.
Restaurant Page
A restaurant landing page showcasing menu, ambiance, and contact information.
Landing Page Application
Create landing pages with interactive features for online campaigns.